Across a decade-long journey encompassing roles at Adobe, Intuit, and Dremio, I've been a catalyst for impactful design solutions. At Adobe, I led transformative global projects, collaborating with diverse teams to craft user-centric experiences that elevated revenue by 30%, all while adhering meticulously to Adobe's design systems.

My tenure at Intuit was marked by orchestrating comprehensive customer journey designs, influencing 18 million users and boosting adoption rates by 20% through integrated design assets into the company's system. At Dremio, I drove the implementation of innovative software features, catalyzing a noteworthy 15% sales surge and orchestrating the launch of a documentation website with high user engagement.

My design ethos transcends aesthetics, placing a profound emphasis on the intersection of functionality and user needs. I am passionately committed to unraveling complex design challenges, infusing innovation into every project, and ensuring designs resonate deeply with users while aligning seamlessly with business objectives.