Hi, I'm Ketak,
Product-Led Growth Designer

Crafting intuitive Seamless Experiences for Every Creator

Ketak Gupta
Intuit logochaser brand logoAdobe LogoGAPThe Childrens place logochaser brand logoPacsun logoNation LTDPantaloons logo
Adobe LogoLucky brand logoIntuit logoGAPThe Childrens place logochaser brand logoPacsun logoNation LTDPantaloons logo
Adobe logo
EXperience design

Data-Driven Redesign Boosts Conversions

Unauthorized Adobe App Users Transformed into Valuable Customers for Revenue Growth

Intuit logo

Empowering Financial Journeys:

How Our Platform Transforms Customer Experience with Data

Mint app by intuit
Dremio logo
UX/UI Design

Dashboard design

Job details dashboard design to improve navigation, Readability, and accessibility.

Saas application visual
Dremio logo
UX/Ui Design

Documentation website

Visual refresh to improve navigation, search, readability, and accessibility.

landing page


UX/Ui Design

Our goal is to make written words accessible to anyone with the will to read who may not have ability to do so.

Dremio logo
System thinking

Design Systems

Single source of truth where designers and developers are working together

design systems foundations